Our community needs you.

Please feel free to use the graphics below when sharing information about us on social media or in email reach-outs and help us spread the word!

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If you are interested in volunteering with Nanny Relief Fund, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form.
If you have an item or experience you would like to donate to an upcoming auction or are interested in helping in another way, please fill out our Donor Form.

Why We Gave

“I wanted to help, but didn’t know how until I found this. Thank you.”

“The stories I’m seeing of nannies let go with no notice have been heart-wrenching. These are the people who raise our children. They’ve made it possible for our families to thrive while my career stays intact as well. It’s time to care for them like they care for us.”

“We never knew how close to homelessness our nanny was until it was almost too late for us to help.”

“My nanny is more crucial to the success of my business than my CFO.”

“I cried when I found out my nanny was donating part of her paycheck to other nannies, and I needed to get involved.”

Nanny Relief Fund has filed for 501(c)3 status and expects to receive our status in early 2021. For more information about how your donation may be tax deductible in the future, please consult your tax preparer or financial manager.